My Experience Documenting a Day
The Documenting a Day assignment using a Word Processor, Excel Spreadsheet, and PowerPoint Presentation was interesting. At first glance, the task was easy as I have a basic skillset in each. However, upon getting started, I realized the assignment would be more challenging than I thought. The main issue I encountered was mapping out which day in my life entailed multiple tasks worthy of including in the assignment. Working from home since the pandemic began has resulted in dull weekdays with minimal movement away from my desk. After some thought, I settled on using a Saturday as they require me to move about the city where I reside. Ultimately using different software applications to document a day in my life was eye-opening as I noticed Saturdays for me, are much more hectic than I realized. Each application, although different, can be used successfully to relay information, it just depends on how a user wants the information displayed.
Software Applications
Word processor applications are straightforward to use. Formatted text can be manipulated by using features like "margins, text size, bold text, italicized text, colors, number of columns, etc" (Vahid & Lysecky, 2019), to make a document more uniform and draw a reader's attention to areas within the document deemed necessary. Unlike Spreadsheets, Presentations, and Database applications, Word Processing applications are good to use to convey large amounts of information like instructions, processes/policies, and more in a form like reading a book or article on a website. Additionally, features for "spelling, grammar, thesaurus, and readability are useful to teachers when creating documents for student use, as well as for student authors" (Word Processing Software Revisited, n.d.).
Spreadsheets have many of the same features for manipulating how data looks like Word Processors. The difference is data is presented in table form, like a Database, and is not interpreted like a story or book. Unless a user is knowledgeable about spreadsheets, usage can be complex. Both spreadsheets and databases have a similar look; however, the names given to areas within them are different. Spreadsheets are used “for representing tables of data like text or numbers, for using formulas to calculate data from other data (like sums or averages), and for creating graphical charts from data” (Vahid & Lysecky, 2019). In comparison, Databases are a “collection of data organized to enable efficient information retrieval” (Vahid & Lysecky, 2019). Databases and Spreadsheets are very different from Presentations, as they do not relay information in a way that an inexperienced person could understand, like a Word Processor.
A Presentation is a “computer application used to create a slideshow of text and graphics, often with animation” (Vahid & Lysecky, 2019). Out of all four application types, presentations are the best way to convey information. Due to information being presented in a slideshow form with the ability to use animations and graphs, users can be more engaged in the information received. Those are the reasons I feel the PowerPoint presentation was the best application for documenting a day assignment. A negative aspect of using presentation applications is the inability to include all necessary information without making the presentation too long. “The linear nature of PowerPoint forces the presenter to reduce complex subjects to a set of bullet items that are too weak to support decision-making or show the complexity of an issue” (The Advantages and Disadvantages of PowerPoint, n.d.).
Ultimately any of the applications mentioned above can be used to relay information to document a day. As described, each application can help document events; however, the user's preference will dictate which application is best for them.
Documenting a Saturday - NOT Always Relaxing
For most people, Saturday is the day of the week to relax and rejuvenate from the previous work week. However, Saturdays are filled with errand running, appointments, and getting things in line for the week ahead. Often, there are not enough hours in the day to tackle all of the tasks on my list. However, after coming up with a routine that works for me, I often successfully complete all required tasks. Below is a peak into what a typical Saturday in my life looks like, as you can see it's a cry from relaxing.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of
PowerPoint. (n.d.). Sophia. Retrieved March 13, 2023, from
Word processing software revisited,. (n.d.).
Vahid, F., & Lysecky, S. (2019).
Computing technology for all. zyBooks.
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